Title I
What is Title I ?
Title I is a federally funded program through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) that offers supplemental funds to qualifying school. The eligibility of a school to receive Title I services is determined by the number of students receiving free or reduced cost meals
Goal of Title I
The goal of Title I is ensure that all students have an equal opportunity in school to obtain a high quality education and to reach proficiency levels on state academic achievement standards. Title I instruction does NOT take the place of education instruction, rather it supplements to classroom to reach the goal
Who’s Involved?
Administrators, teachers, school staff, students, parents, and community members are invited to participate in the Title I program at the site and district levels throughout the year to voice opinions, concerns, review school data, and help with the development of the School Site Plan
District Title I Funded Alternative Support Programs
AVID Parent and Family Engagement Afterschool Tutoring
Naviance Homeless Students Credit Retrieval
1:1 Technology Initiative Supplemental Educational Services
Read 180 APED Tutoring
Math 180 DigiCoach
Long Term English Learner Supports and Interventions
EHS Title I Parent Meeting-
District Title I Committee Meetings-
Eastside High School-School Site Council Meetings
Parent and Family Engagement Policy:
Política de padres y familia:
This policy describes the means for carrying out designated Title I, Part A parent and family engagement requirements pursuant to ESSA Section 1116(c)