English Language Learners
The Mission of the English Learners program at Eastside High School is to ensure that English learners acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and attain parity with native speakers of English. Our goal is to close the achievement gap that separates English learners from their native English-speaking peers.
Eastside High School
English Learner Program
(661) 946-3800
EL Program Coordinator – Erich Gaub
Ext 1224, Egaub@avhsd.org
ELD Coordinator– Jessica Marroquin
Ext 1231, Jmarroquin@avhsd.org
EL Program Counselor – Cindy Perez
Ext 1023, Cperez@avhsd.org
EL Program Bilingual Secretary – Deborah Castillo
Ext 1040, Dcastillo@avhsd.org
Bilingual Instructional Aide – Yesenia Serrato
Ext 1040, yserrato@avhsd.org
Assistant Principal – Brandon Palmer
Ext 1008, a bpalmer@avhsd.org
Vice Principal – Kathryn Artiga
Ext 1037, kartiga@avhsd.org