Safety Message
We want our community to be aware of our continued commitment to safety which includes multiple, proactive approaches to fortifying security throughout our school.
Eastside High School requires all students to present their IDs prior to entering campus. An additional campus supervisor will patrol the perimeter of EHS during school hours. In support of students' emotional and social development, EHS has identified six mentors to work with students throughout the day helping them to focus on their attendance, academic and school participation.
Across the Antelope Valley Union High School District
In April and June 2018, the AVUHSD conducted safety reviews of its campuses that resulted in the implementation of enhanced safety measures. These measures vary by school and include enhanced fencing, additional security and counseling personnel, updated surveillance cameras, front entrance modifications, and door locking devices. The District also incorporated additional training with the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station and revised student, staff and visitor identification processes.
For more than 25 years, the AVUHSD has had a dedicated school deputy on campus each day. In addition to this, the District continues to focus on students’ social emotional needs through various programs and counseling outreach, provides safety training to students and staff, and underscores the importance of vigilance through “See Something, Say Something.”
If you have questions or feedback, please email
School and Student Safety
Antelope Valley Union High School District, diligently works hand-in-hand with the officers and personnel at Lancaster Sheriff’s Station, along with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD), to create the safest schools possible.
Every threat, whether it be verbal or on social media is taken seriously by our staff and investigated immediately and thoroughly. LASD investigations have shown that a large majority of these threats are made by students as a “joke” or “prank.” PARENTS: This is where we need your help. Talk to your students about the serious consequences of making these types of “jokes” and “pranks.” Regardless of their intention, these threats are unlawful and it is important that our students understand that thoroughly.
- Ensure your student knows and understands the severity of making a false threat. It is difficult to tell if a comment is a “joke” until it has been investigated thoroughly. There could be criminal, civil, financial and administrative consequences at both school level and Sheriff’s Department level.
- Stay connected and monitor your student’s social media activities. Direct messages on sites such as Instagram and Facebook allow your student to send/receive private messages.
- Reach out to teachers, staff, principal, deputies or other trained professionals if you see behavior indicative of self-harm or harm to others.
- If you see or hear something, SAY SOMETHING! Our schools and community’s safety is everyone’s responsibility. Report anonymously at
- We can help our students get the most out of their educational experience by working together to create the safest schools possible. If you have any questions, contact your school.
- We can help our students get the most out of their educational experience by working together to create the safest schools possible. If you have any questions, contact your school.